Thursday, February 10, 2011

Games and Dinner

Typically, when Collin gets home from school during the week, we have dinner at the table as a family and then he and Daddy watch a movie on TV.  Sometimes while watching the movie, Collin and I will put a puzzle together or play on the floor in front of the TV.  Last night, I was not interested in having the TV on (it was easy to do because Daddy was out of town) so I pulled out a few games for us to play while having dinner.  Mimi was over so she joined us.  The first game we attempted to play was the Toy Story version of Chutes and Ladders.  We had been playing for about 8 minutes when Collin announced, "I don't want to play this anymore.  It's too slow".  I guess he was we moved onto Candy Land.  He at least knew the colors and was more interested in moving the pieces around the board whether it was his turn or not.  This game must have been a little better because we lasted about 15 minutes before he got up and selected Hi Ho Cherry-O from the game cabinet.  We never played this game because he would not even let Mimi help set it up by putting the cherries in the holes on the game board.  He was more interested in using the cherry buckets as cups for drinks and passed them to each of us as if he was our waiter. 

So, game night was not a success if the goal was to complete a game.  It was a success because we all spent some quality time together before it was time for bath.

Candy Land and some apples for a snack

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