Monday, February 14, 2011

"Don't Give Me a Wet One!"

This is the reaction we get from Collin when we go to give him a kiss.  I hear this mainly at night when I am telling him good night and then lean in to give him a kiss.  Sometimes, he will tell me "you can give me one later" if he does not tell me to not give him a wet one.  At least he does like kisses.  His cousin, Timmy, does not even let us hold him .... so forget about giving him a kiss.

As you can imagine, I was shocked, and took advantage, of him telling me "you can give me a wet one right here" (pointing to his forehead) when I went to give him a kiss while he was eating his breakfast.  Maybe he was being generous because I had just given him 5 small, powdered donuts to eat.  Hey, he caught me in a great mood this morning.

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