Saturday, April 24, 2010

What a Day!!!

Both of us should sleep REALLY well tonight. The day started with Collin getting out of his bed and greeting me on my side. He quickly said, "I got out!" and then "I want a drink". I pulled him into bed and he did sleep another 30 minutes. Yes!!!

After a HUGE bowl of Cheerios, it was time for Daddy and Collin to do their chores. This morning, they did not have to blow/rake leaves in the front or back yard but they did have to sweep some around the pool and clean out the skimmer baskets. Here is Collin helping with sweeping. Just after this picture, most of the broom did go in the pool.

After Daddy left for work, it was time for us to get ready to go over to Jacob's house to play. He is a friend from school that Collin does not get to see much since Jacob is now in Primary and Collin in still in Toddler 2. Collin will get to join him once he is fully potty-trained. The boys had fun sliding and swinging in Jacob's backyard. They both discovered the "water table" (a table full of water and water contraptions meant for toddlers to play with) and started playing with that. Within 2 minutes, both of the guys were really wet. Who cares, they were having a blast taking the water out and watering the plants. Jacob's mom did have to fill the water table back up twice before they got tired of playing with it. Then, they rode the tricycle and scooter before some other friends came over. Collin threw the ball around while the other kids were on the swings.

We left when the other kids started to eat lunch because we picked Daddy up at the bike shop and had lunch with him instead. Collin visited with the people on both sides of the both instead of eating lunch. He did finally eat most of his hot dog bun before Daddy gave him some ice cream. He finished that in the car.

After a very short nap, we played outside because it was WAY too nice of a day. Ella was supposed to come over but she took a late nap and her mommy had plans tonight so their visit would have been too short. They are going to try again tomorrow. Collin and I loaded up a backpack full of snacks and beverages and headed to the bird sanctuary to see what animals were out enjoying the day. We saw squirrels this time and heard birds. We did see one turtle in the water and another one on the bridge. He was a long way off from the river but still alive. Collin like watching the turtle poke his head in and out of his shell. Here are pictures of him on one of the many bridges we crossed and inspecting a rock on the ground. He ended up with pockets full of rocks and small twigs.....a sign of a great hike.

We were really sweaty from the hike, so I thought it would be fun to try out the pool. It was a COLD 80 degrees but felt great once we got in. Collin was not shy at all in the water and jumped in my arms from the side at least 20 times. I made him swim around and kick after most of them. He also floated around on his raft and kicked off of the back of that. We took one break and blew some bubbles at the side of the pool for about 15 minutes. He wanted back in the water. We stayed in about an hour and only got out because his lips were quivering. We took a hot shower and had dinner.

We are both relaxing now. I am thinking of the wonderful day we had together. Tomorrow, Timmy and Lisa are supposed to come over. So is Isabella and her brother John. We also might get Collin's new twin mattress so he can start sleeping on that while we wait for Pappy to finish repairing his new big boy bed.

Here he is watching TV. Interesting way to do it huh?

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