Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Can't Hear You

Collin was so happy to go to school yesterday after being away from two days last week and this weekend. That was the first thing he told me when I met him and Daddy at my work for "the exchange" (Daddy had to go back to the bike shop). When I started ask him what he did at school that day, he stuck his thumbs in both ears while holding the rest of his fingers up in the air and said, "I can't hear you". I wanted to laugh because this reminded me of when my nephew did this to all of us when he was about the same age. Knowing if Collin saw me laugh would only encourage him to do it more, I stopped talking until he moved his fingers out of his ears. For all of the good habits he learned at school, there is room for these new things he learns from his friends. He did tell me that Meme taught him this. She is a friend at school. Daddy said he did that he had already seen Collin do this on the way to meet me.

On the way home, I had not turned on the radio yet or started one of his music CDs. Instead of asking for me to turn the music on like he usually does, he started to sing the following without stopping, "Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-O. On the farm, there was a pig, with an Oink here". This was the most I have heard him sing of this song or any other song without me singing with him. We continued to sing the rest of the song together on the way home. I did get to see him tell me "I can't hear you". He could hear me though because I tested him by asking what he wanted for dinner. His reply was "chicken". I told him that I thought he could not hear me and he stuck his thumbs back in his ears.

When we got home, he had taken his shoes and socks off like he does every time he is in the car. This is usually the first thing he does unless he is preoccupied with something else.

Something new every day.....

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