Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11....

Collin is still doing great with his potty-training but it sure is wearing me out. Last night, we had dinner out because Uncle Robin was in town and we were celebrating his birthday. Halfway through dinner, Collin announced he had to go potty. Mimi said it was my turn, so I took him. He chose which stall to go into, pulled his pants down and did go potty. We washed hands and went back to the table. The food was there and I was looking forward to my lobster bisque. Well, I ended up eating cold bisque because Collin wanted to go potty 10 more times while we were there. I would loved to have known if he really had to go or not but I was not going to question him especially when he was doing "the I-gotta-go dance" and he looked like he was in pain. After going to the bathroom all of those times, he never went again after the first time. I thought maybe he was playing in there but he would go into a stall, wash his hands and then want to lingering. I was worn out by the end of the meal.....actually never finished. I left with Collin because I could not keep that up any longer. He did eventually go poo when we got home.

We met Terry and Melia out for dinner tonight and he started to do it again. We did it 5 times tonight.....what a relief compared to last night. The walk was longer to the bathroom though.

Potty-training is keeping me in shape....or at least moving and unable to finish dinner. I never thought of these as side-effects of potty-training. Maybe other moms out there know the feeling.


I hope everyone has finished their tax returns or at least extensions by now. My clients are in good shape....tomorrow is hopefully not going to be that bad.

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