Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nightly Visitor

Now that Collin can get out of his bed and using his big boy bed, we have a nightly visitor into our bed every night so far. Last night was the first time it was twice (or that I can remember because getting woken up in the middle of the night is messing with my sleep) that he did get up twice. Once, he came to my side of the bed around 4am. I was SO happy he did not ask me for a drink. I pulled him onto my side of the bed and then Daddy transferred him back to his big boy bed about 20 minutes later. Then, again at 6am, Collin was back. I was actually glad this time because Daddy forgot to set the alarm. No run for me this morning! At least I was not going to be late to work. This time, we left him in our bed because I was getting up anyway to get dressed. Yesterday morning, he slept until 7:25am (only because Daddy finally woke him up) so I thought he would sleep through me getting ready. He did almost. He walked in about the time I was getting dressed. He had a HUGE smile on his face and said, "Mommy, I peed on your side of the bed". Great! Good morning Mommy......

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