Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wash Your Hands

After changing Collin's diaper, he likes to put the wipes back where they belong in the kitchen and then go to the bathroom near the kitchen. He throws the dirty diaper in the Diaper Champ, turns the handle to dump the diaper into the pail and then gets on the stool to wash his hands.
I turn the water on for him to run each hand under the water. He says "soap" and I put some soap on his hands for him to rub together and then rinse......for a long time. He loves the water running on his hands. He will look back at me sometimes and tell me it's "water". I hand him a towel to let him know that it's time to stop and he wipes his hands.....sometimes this is only after he lets me know that he is not finished by throwing a slight fit. It's that Terrible Two stage...I see it more and more every day.

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