Saturday, May 2, 2009

Timmy came over to play

Today, Timmy came over with Mimi to hang out all day with Collin. At first, Collin did not care for Timmy to be at his house. It did not take long for Collin to be nice though and give Timmy a toy to play with. He did throw a book too close to Timmy so Mimi and I watched him so he would not accidentally hurt Timmy. We both were surprised that Collin was not jealous of Timmy when either Mimi or I held Timmy. One time when Timmy was on his tummy for some tummy time, Collin leaned over to give him a kiss on his forehead.

While Timmy was exercising on his tummy, Collin decided it was his turn for some gymnastics. It was the first time I saw Collin stand on the large ottoman in the middle of the room and then jump onto the couch. He thought that was fun and continued to do it a few more times. Guess next time I vacuum around the ottoman, I need to make sure it's close to the couch so he does not think he can jump safely to the couch and miss it. Later today, he found a box, stood on it and jumped off of it. We have not made it to Gymboree in a few weeks. I guess he has been missing it and decided to have Gymboree at our house.

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