Sunday, May 3, 2009

Update - Collin's Activities

It's been awhile since I have listed out what Collin can do. Besides the 40+ words he can say, here are some of his activities that Mimi and I could think of:

    patty cake
    points to body parts as they are mentioned
    walks backwards
    sits on riding toy and pushes it backwards

    brushes teeth
    slides down the slide
    stacks rings/blocks
    colors with markers
    throws stuff (frequently!)
    buckles himself into his high chair
    walks up and down the stairs using the wall as a guide

throws pillows off the sofa
wipes mouth and hands with napkin or tissue
covers mouth with hand when coughing
sits on an opened cleaned diaper when it's time to change him

brings us our shoes when he wants to go outside
drinks with a sippie cup
gives kisses (these are the best)
drinks from a water fountain

    holds hands up by his shoulders for "where is it?"
    burps (and laughs)
    bounces up and down while sitting
    uses a straw
    throws a ball with his left hand accuracy
    feeds himself using a spoon and fork
    drinks from a cup (we have to hold it)
    sits in a chair
    climbs into his car seat
    takes off his socks (even when not time to)
    opens doors with handles
    turns light switch on/off
    picks up every little thing on the floor and brings it to someone
    turns head right/left when someone says right/left
    points to front of diaper when hear 'tee tee'
    responds to music by snapping fingers and swaying or bouncing up and down
    sign language of forefinger to other palm for 'more'
    puts toilet paper in toilet
    unfortunately, unrolls the toilet paper
    tries to lift person from sitting position to get them to stand up
    sits on someone's leg for ride horse game
    holds his bottle
    holds bottle by only mouth area and no hands
    takes off Velcro shoes
    combs his own hair

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