Saturday, May 30, 2009


Collin had a lot of fun today but he let us know tonight, loud and clear, that we was exhausted. He cried non-stop for more than 15 minutes. We could not figure out what he wanted or what was wrong. After he finally ate a big meal, taking bites in between crying or sniffling, he did settle down. We sat and relaxed a little after that and then started getting ready for bed. He did not fuss at all when it was time to get in bed.

Here is a summary of the day:

Got up at 6:30am, had breakfast (2 scrambled eggs, toast and milk to start the day off right), and then headed out to watch a kid's triathlon. We thought Collin would love to watch the swimming and cycling (I knew he could care less about the running). We started at the pool to watch the swimming and Collin wanted to get in the water REALLY bad. I held onto him tight so he would not jump in. We watched Dane's brother (more about him later), Cade swim and then left the pool area so Collin would be distracted with something else. He was.

He and his new buddy, Dane who is about 5 months older than Collin, played with toy cars, jumped up and down on the picnic table seat, played basketball and pushed each other around. The two of them were inseparable until we had to leave. Daddy had to go to work, so we did leave after 2 hours. The boys gave each other a hug and said "bye" to each other. Here they are during jumping on the picnic table seat and just having fun (Collin is on the right):

We stayed home after Daddy left for work for a little while and then headed to Mimi's to go swimming and to visit with Aunt Lisa. We got there and found out Aunt Lisa was not coming over. Dustin was there but he was being his typical self.....hand his face in the computer doing who knows what. Mommy was hungry, so we left and went to Panera Bread. This was one of those times that Collin made sure he was birth control for the couple sitting behind us. We quickly figured out he was not hungry when everything that went into his mouth was pulled back out and thrown behind him towards the couple. He never hit them...phew! We quickly left, shopped for some clothes for Mimi and Mommy and then went back to Mimi's to swim. Here he is having a good time in the pool with Mimi.

After swimming, it was time for a snack and then head home to see Daddy. Collin feel asleep between turning pages in one of his favorite books. I kinda missed not knowing were all of the tractors, trucks and bikes were on the way home since Collin was not pointing all of these out to me. When we got home, he started crying when we got upstairs and woke Daddy up from his nap. You already know how the night ended. That kid will be sleeping in tomorrow. Mommy does not have as many things planned.....that can all change though.

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