Friday, March 11, 2011

Tae Kwon Do update and "1..2..3"

Daddy is feeling much better in the last day or two.  Even though he is feeling better, Mimi has been helping out this week because it's the week before a big tax deadline (March 15th) so I have been working longer hours. 

Tuesday, Mimi picked Collin up from school and took him to Tae Kwon Do.  As you have read from previous posts, Collin is not always wild about going.  He either does not participate at all or does but only for the last 20 minutes or so when the sensei arrives at the studio.  Mimi thought that it might be because he is hungry about the time they arrive.  She mentioned this to me because of the enormous amounts of food Collin ate after coming home from not participating much in Tae Kwon Do.  Well, Tuesday when she came to the house with Collin, she had a funny story about what he did.  I'll let her tell it:

I took Collin to school, worked at bike shop and then picked up Collin and went to taekwondo where he did well and some more things he learned in about 20 minutes of private lesson.  Collin enjoyed looking at a parent's dog and got attention from another parent who told me he was so adorable.  Collin told that parent that he was taking taekwondo until Daddy's money runs out (or something like that).  The parent said maybe his Daddy could get two jobs. While Collin and I talked to a grandmother of 3 students taking lesson, Collin told her all about me dropping the car key in locked the car and Laura coming to get him at his school.  This happened about a month ago.   I guess he has a better memory than we thought.

That night, he did eat a bunch of different items for dinner (like a tapas dinner) such as sliced cheese, bread, 1/4 of a banana, applesauce, juice and some crackers.  He pulled up his shirt and told me to look at how big it was while he was patting it.

Later, when it was time to take a bath, he was not interested in going to that part of the house.  I could tell it was going to be a long process to eventually get him in bed.  There was a funny moment though in all of the "stubbornness" that was happening with both of us.  He wanted me to get him some "cranberries" because he had gone poo in the potty earlier that night.  I told him to put his PJs on first and then I might get them.  He stood there and did not make an effort to move toward the PJs I had laid out on the floor.  I repeated that he needed to put his PJs on.  He looked at me, held up one finger and said " better get my cranberries...3!"  Are you kidding me?  My kid just counted as if I were going to get in trouble for not doing as he I do to him when he is not listening!  I tried as hard as I could not not look shocked or laugh at this.  I stood there and told him that he should not count to me like this.  Counting at me or another adult was not appropriate.  He did eventually put his PJs on and get cranberries.  We did brush his teeth really good afterwards.  Thank goodness he likes to brush his teeth or let me do it on the underside of his teeth.

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