Saturday, March 19, 2011

Potty Words

Ugh....we are in the stage of almost every word being "poo poo, pee, fart" or some form of the word.  He says this to get a reaction that we try not to give him.  I have also noticed that he does it  when we are not currently paying attention to him.  It's worse during the week when he is at school.  I am assuming it's because some of the other kids use the same words.  I know he gets in trouble for it at school because, when at home when he says one of those words, he says "We are not supposed to use potty words, right Mommy?"  No matter my response, he still uses them.  I have tried ignoring it when he says them, telling him that it's not nice to use them, having him sit still and not play when he does it....but nothing is working.  It's been several months now.  Will he grow out of this phase soon?

Speaking of growing out...which makes me think of how much he is already growing up, he asked me this afternoon if he was going to school.  He does this on the weekend sometimes when he thinks we are leaving to drop him off at school.  I told him that he was staying home today because school was closed.  He then said, "I am going to be in Kindergarten right? (he said Kindergarten perfectly!)" and I said he would in at least 2 years but could tell that he was upset that he was not a Kindergarten right now.  I am sure this is because the older kids in class remind him that he is a baby and the young one in the class.  We know he does not like this and wants to already grow up faster than we are ready for him too.  Poor little guy!  He is already under peer pressure.

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