Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aunt Nancy is Here!

We had a blast with Aunt Nancy today.  She arrived last night just has we got our bikes out for a ride in the street.  She hung out a little while to watch us and met the neighbors before we went inside to wait for Daddy to get home.

This morning, Nancy and Collin made breakfast of scrambled eggs.  She let Collin help by cracking two of the six eggs, putting some cheese in the eggs and then stirring eggs and cheese together.  She learned quickly that he wants to do EVERYTHING by himself unless he gets frustrated after he figures out that he cannot do it or if he is too tired.  The eggs were great!  I learned that she, like me, does not put ketchup on her eggs like Collin and Daddy do.  I am glad Collin ate all three of his eggs because there was no way I was going to finish any leftovers because of the ketchup on them.

Sure is a LOT of cheese!

After cleaning up breakfast, Nancy wanted to go hiking in the bird sanctuary.  She wanted to go last time she was in town but we did not make it so she was looking forward to going today.  Collin did not go hiking with us but....Batman did!  For the entire hour plus that we were gone, Batman hiked with us.  I thought for sure he would want to take the cape off...which did not come off even after we got home.  We were hoping we would see some frogs or turtles but we did not.  We saw several squirrels and bugs.  Once, when we were resting, I noticed a TINY green worm crawling on my knee.  I showed Batman Collin and he could not understand why the worm was there.  We watched it crawl a round for a few mintues, and then got up to walk some more.  Batman Collin wanted to rest and laid his head on Nancy's lap.  She loved that and was not in a hurry to keep moving.  We did finally start walking again so we could show her our favorite spot...the lookout over the small creek.  At this point, we saw the same looking worm crawling on Batman's cape string.  He saw it has I held up the string and wanted it off.  My guy really does not like bugs or animals like other little boys I know.  We had to get the worm off and he wanted me to carry him all the way home.  Glad I worked out that morning....and had arm fatigue.

Nancy's friend, Evonne, came over for lunch and to visit with Nancy while she was in town.  Collin, yes, he was Collin again by this point, liked having someone else over at his house.  AT first, he was shy but then started talking to her and showing her his toys while Nancy and I finished getting lunch together.  Daddy came home, had lunch and then he and Collin took a nap.  Glad they did because we had a busy early evening of riding our bikes with the neighbors in the street.  We raced, practiced riding without hands on the handlebars (not Collin), rode in the grass, through the water and just had a great time.  We were out there over an hour.  We came home and hopped into the warm spa to cool down and continue to enjoy the great weather we had today.  Then, Collin announced he wanted dinner.  I was shocked when he ate half a sandwich and apple slices.  He is typically not a big dinner I know he must have been hungry to eat that much.  Too bad he was not tired too.......he did not go to bed until almost 10pm.

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