Sunday, March 6, 2011

Batman Birthday

It's been a very busy week which is why you have not heard from me in a few days.  Between training for triathlons and in tax busy season (March 15th is the first deadline), I did not find time to blog.

Saturday morning, Daddy, Collin and I went to Joe's 4th birthday party.  When we arrived, Collin started taking his shoes off before he even got out of the car.  He did this because he could see the bounce house in the front yard when we turned the corner of the street.  He was REALLY excited to get out of the car and we could not get him out fast enough.  Here is why he was so excited.  I have never seen a bounce house with a slide hooked to it on the outside.  The parents wondered when it was their time to jump. 

It was FREEZING out (53 degrees) but the kids did not care.  They were jumping and sliding so much that they were sweating by the time they did take a break.  Collin spent the same amount of time sliding with the rest of the kids or throwing the ball in the hoops inside the bounce house.  Here he is enjoying the slide.  There were times that he caught some air on the way down.  He laughed every time he slid down.


Here he is playing basketball.  He was doing great with getting the ball into the hoop almost every time he took a shot.

After jumping, the kids came inside to decorate their batman cape and mask.  Collin was not interested in doing this because it was messy.  I think he meant that it was messy looking on the cape but I am not sure.  He decided to play with the cars and animals instead while the rest of the kids decorated their capes. 

When it was time for pizza and cupcakes, we went back outside (brrrr for me!). Collin ate only a slice of pizza and then wanted a cupcake. He typically does not eat these so I was shocked when he did eat the entire thing. He did have Daddy scrap off the icing and only at the cake part. He ate this like a puppy and paused at one point to make sure I took a picture of him doing it.

He also got his face painted while at the party. He has had his faced painted several times before. There are usually designs for him to point to and pick out what he wants painted on his face. When she asked what he wanted painted, he could not think of anything. She saw that he had a bicycle on his shirt and asked if he wanted that....and he did. I thought she did a great job and he loved it. We had to keep it on the next day.

We were only at the party a little over two hours but it was enough to get Mr. No Nap to take a nap for over 2 hours.  We ALL took a much needed nap.

That afternoon, we met the Jureks at their gym for the kids to play together and Mommy and Ms. Kristen to swim.  Ms. Kristen is a swimmer so she could show or give Mommy some pointers when she swam.  After swimming, I picked up Collin from the day care center to get a snack and head home because Mimi and Daddy were going to be there soon. 

Mimi was coming over because Mommy and Daddy had a birthday party for a neighbor to go to.  This was JP, Max and Luke's Daddy who was turning 40.  Plus, Mimi was spending the night so Mommy and Daddy could be with their bicycle friends in the nmorning.  Mommy rode 18 miles and ran 2.5 miles.  Daddy rode 5 miles on his mountain bike and talked to all of the bike shop customers.

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