Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday morning ride

This morning, we rode our bikes with a few friends. While Daddy was getting the bikes ready, Collin wanted to ride practice trying to ride his bike in the front of the house. You will see in the videos below his frustration with not being able to keep the bike going. I know he will get it one day. I know as a parent that I have to keep encouraging him and have him keep trying.

Once the bikes were loaded, we headed to the bike shop to meet some friends and ride our bikes together. Terry and Melia, Susan and Jacob met us there. Collin road in the trailer while Daddy road his bike. I was on my own bike. After a break, Melia got in the trailer with Collin. I could hear Collin yelling at Daddy to "go faster Daddy!" which made Jacob do the same to his mommy. I am sure she appreciated that.

You can tell in the picture of Collin and Melia sitting together that Collin changed his mind that he would share with her once she was sitting next to him. Maybe he thought it was cramping his style.

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