Monday, July 26, 2010

Speaking "Collin"

We noticed several weeks ago that Collin would insert strange words into a sentence when previously, he used the appropriate word. At first, we thought that maybe he was trying to speak Spanish since his teachers use Spanish. After a few weeks of listening and asking him questions, I think he is either doing it for attention and/or because he thinks it's funny. Some examples of Collin's word choices are:

  • "Look Mommy, I'm shaking my bon-bon". We have heard this one MANY times. Bon-bon is actually correct if you are trying to sing the Ricky Martin song. Maybe this started it all because we thought this was so funny. You will see a theme to the rest of the "words" based off of bon-bon.
  • "I want to eat cereal and have some hon-hon". Huh? What's a hon-hon. We have asked with no answer from him.
  • "Your a pon-pon". I, of course, let him know that calling people names is not nice. I guess the name could be MUCH worse than a pon-pon.
  • "Let's play with the con-con". Sure, you can play with the con-con as soon as I can figure out what that is.

Not every sentence is like this. Most of the time, he speaks and enunciates clearly. It's only when he thinks he is or is trying to be funny. He does have a great sense of humor.....which really keeps Daddy and I laughing.

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