Wednesday, July 28, 2010

First Baby Sitter

Collin survived...and so did the baby sitter. Until tonight, Collin has not had someone other than family watch him while Daddy and I went out. Tonight, Ms. Rebecca, his swim coach, came over to watch him while Daddy and I went to see a movie, 'Inception' with Leonardo Decaprio. He was SO excited to see her when she came over. I told him when he got home from swim lessons that she was coming over so he had to take his bath, put on PJs and be ready for when she showed up. I caught him looking out the front window to see if she was here yet (too cute).

When she did arrive, he was so excited that he ran around his "track" a few times (living room to dining room through the office then kitchen and back to the living room). She just stood there and asked for a hug. He kept running and being excited that she was there........until we said we were going out for a little while. We felt it was not right to just disappear while Ms. Rebecca and he went to the back of the house to his room or playroom. He was sad and started to cry a little before we left. She said that only lasted a few minutes. They went back to his room, read 5 books, he got into his bed and requested her to sing a few songs (the usual of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Bingo, Itsy Bitsy Spider and a few others) before he turned over and started to go to sleep. She left the room, he cried out a little, she came back to sooth him, he stopped and then fell asleep. She said that he was really easy and did great. So did Mommy and Daddy while we were out. We did not cry leaving him with the sitter. ;)

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