Saturday, July 10, 2010

Monster Spray

Last night, Collin woke up several times in the middle of the night screaming from what we think was a nightmare. Twice he mentioned monsters and that he was afraid so I assumed that he was just scared and could not fall back asleep. Finally around 3:30am, he passed out....and so did I.

I mentioned this to a friend and she suggested Monster Spray. She said they sell this spray but that we could make our own. It was important that the spray smelled so that Collin could smell it and know it was working. I found a can of Fabreeze, a monster picture from the Internet and taped it around the can. I wrote Monster Spray and Stay Away on the can.

Tonight, when we were getting ready for bed, I told Collin about the spray. He had a good time spraying around his bed and the doors to his room. He keep saying that this should help after smelling the spray in the air. Let's see what happens tonight.....although he is crying right now after me and Daddy putting him back to bed a few times. I hope it works because I could use the sleep tonight.

Oh, about his choice of "PJs:, he picked these out. Same material as his real PJs so why have a fight over what he is wearing to bed?

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