Thursday, August 6, 2009

Big boy eating

Now that Collin has started school where there aren't any highchairs, he does prefer eating at the table when at home. He also wants to drink out of a cup without a lid. If we give him a sippie cup, he will insist that either we take of the lid or he will try to.

Here is a now typical eating scenario with Collin:

This morning, when he got to the bottom of the stairs, he announced "eat", walked over to the table pulled out the chair and sat down. I had already set the table with breakfast of eggs, toast and milk because we needed to get going this morning. He sat down, grabbed his cup with both hand and took a sip. Then he dug into the eggs with his fork while saying "eggs" and then "spoon" (we are still tyring to teach him the difference between a fork and spoon). He sometimes is able to pierce the food but generally uses a fork like a spoon. Eggs don't stay on top of a fork very well which is what happened with his first bite...fell to the floor. He had to push his chair out, get down, get the eggs and put them back on the table. He climbed back into his chair but it was then not positioned just right at the table. He pushed out and then wanted me to push him back in. This cycle happened for the next 10 minutes. He finally finished his bread but wanted down to help me put my plate in the sink since I was finished. He got out of his chair, walked to my chair, looked at me and said "finished", grabbed just my fork, put it in the sink, then came back for my plate, put it in the sink and then my glass was next. He was not finished eating so he got back in his chair.

It's now been 30 minutes since we started to eat. Much faster when he is in his high chair. Maybe when we are in a hurry, the high chair is best. I bet daddy already has this figured out. Mommy does not usually take care of Collin in the morning since I am already at work or at least getting ready to leave.

Every day he is wanted to show (or exhert is more appropriate) his independence whether that is pulling his pants off, trying to put on his socks, putting the toothpaste on his toothbrush, putting deoderant on (you will need to read daddy's entry from a week or so ago) or, you name it, he wants to do it.

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