Friday, August 28, 2009

2-year Check Up

We went for Collin's 2-year check up today which meant shots. He got two of them (Hep A and Flu) plus had to get his finger pricked. He, of course, cried when he got the shots but stopped crying as soon as I sat him up and put him on the ground. He let me know it was time to "go mommy" and that is what we did....we left and walked to the lab. He thought he was done and was being cute while waiting for the tech to prick his finger. He peeked around the corner and looked at the other kids in the waiting room. He then peeked around the other corner and saw that it was a long hall. He could not he ran down the hall and turned quickly into an open door as I ran after him. Fortunately, no one was in the office.

It was his time to get his finger pricked, and he cried for most of it. Then she wrapped his thumb in a band aid. He stopped crying so he could check it out. The rest of the afternoon, he held his thumb out so he could look at his band aid. Here he is outside of the doc's office before we got in the car. Notice he has not let go of his sucker.

He stats are: he is 29 lbs (50 - 75%) and 4 1/2 tall (50%). The doctor said he is likely to be the height of an average male when he is an adult. She said he looked great and he looks like he is eating well. Since he is saying lots of words, looks good and is active, she does not need to see him for another year.

After the doctor appointment, we were headed home when daddy called and needed us to run an errand. We did that and Collin was hungry so we went to Jason's Deli. He loves the hot dogs there. After he finished eating, I got him an ice cream cone which he has never had on his own. He really enjoyed licking the ice cream out of the cone....and did a really good job. His shirt was dirty from the strawberries he had with the hot dog and not the ice cream at all.

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