Thursday, August 27, 2009


We have been working on the ABC's both at home and they are doing it at school as well. So on the way to school in the morning we will sing the song. Collin chimes in with only a few letters but it sure sounds cute. He really likes the end of the song when you invite everyone to come join you next time and he claps and says YEAH...

Collin also now pretty much has to do everything on his own, unless he decides he wants your help then he gets mad at you if you do not do read his mind and know exactly what he wants, I always thought that was a women thing. I think Laura is teaching him that.

Time to wake him up but it sounds like he is already to go. He is up there saying the words he knows like "APPLE JUICE, I LOVE YOU, ABC, OUT" it is all really awesome having the boy around he is so much fun.

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