Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I left work early today and picked Collin up from Mimi's to spend some time with him. It was a really nice, but hot, early evening so I decided to pack him in the jog stroller and go for a run/walk around the park. Yep, I have not done this in awhile and am glad I did. Collin seemed to have a great time as indicated by him kicking his legs up and down and "talking". He really perked up every time we saw a dog running by. He would push up out of the stroller to sit up so he could get a better look at the dog and start smiling really big. I am sure I did not help the excitement by saying "look at the puppy. Collin, see the puppy?" When I would push the stroller ahead of the dog, he would start to through a fit so I would slow down a little so the dog could catch up. I am glad we live close to a park so Collin can get his puppy fix because we will not be getting a dog anytime soon.

Tonight during dinner, I let Collin have his spoon to feed himself so he would get used to holding it and trying to control it. I fixed me a plate of food similar to what he was eating and showed him how to use the spoon. He really concentrated on trying to pick up the food on his tray with the spoon but was not ever successful. He did not give up easily though. He did finally start eating his food with the other hand while continuing to hold the spoon. I am glad he did finally drop it or I was going to have to pry it out of his fingers....or let him go to bed with it.

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