Sunday, September 28, 2008

Collin can....

get into his big-boy car seat on his own...we do have to buckle him in still

crawl faster than we ever expected

disappear in a moment

scream at the top of his lungs

find my wallet in my purse within 10 seconds even if it's at the bottom

climb up and back down the stairs (he does this every day)

throw a ball to you and want you to throw it back

dance when there is any type of music playing

put things into a bucket, basket drawer, etc and then take them back out

open the child-proof gate

brush his teeth

throw everything out of his crib faster than you can put the stuff back in

unplug a cord from the wall faster than you can grab him up

open the microwave door (this is a game for him now)

open and shut doors

open drawers......and sometimes get his arm or finger stuck in the drawer...ouch

chase the kitties and the slap on them

find his belly button when you ask him where his belly button is. Watch out if you are in public because he will more than likely try to find yours too by lifting up your shirt!

crawl onto and down from the couch

manipulate his parents to get whatever he wants

say ma-ma and da-da but not regularly

make me laugh no matter how bad of a day I had

say I love you without saying a word.

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