Sunday, October 30, 2011

What a Sand Pit

Collin and Max played together this afternoon.  Max is JP's older brother.  Collin went over to play with JP a few hours after he left this morning but JP was getting a bath and then taking a nap.  Max wanted to play and came over to play with Collin.  After playing in the playroom, they went outside to play in the sand pit.  I noticed that Max was putting up the smaller of the three umbrellas because he said it was hot outside.  I got out the other two so they could play in the shade.  Huge sand pit, umbrellas to make some shade, fountain in the pool in the background, great weather = a perfect day.  I sat inside watching the boys from the breakfast room writing some of the earlier posts.  I have a lot of blog catching up to do....for the past two months so it was perfect.

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