Monday, October 26, 2009

Sinus Infection

Daddy had to pick up Collin today from school because he had a fever over 100. He took him to the doctor's office where his fever had risen to 101.8. The doctor said he had a sinus infection and possibly an ear infection. There was too much fluid in his ear for her to tell. Daddy then took Collin home and laid him on the couch. Collin slept for almost 5 hours and then I came home to relieve Daddy. Collin laid there a little longer and then got some energy after taking some additional medicine. He wanted me to read some books to him and then he started to jump around. We then put some face stickers on some small pumpkins we bought last week. I was trying to keep him up for a few hours to make it to at least 8:30pm so he would sleep good and through the night. Later, he was not interested in a cool bath or a cold rag on his head. I read two more books to him, gave him some Motrin and then he let me pick him up and put him to bed. That part NEVER happens. He usually wants to crawl into bed himself and not let either one of us help him.

I will stay home from work tomorrow to watch him since he cannot go back to school for 24 hours.

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