Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pop goes the weasel

Collin loves to sing songs.....especially in the car. Before we even pull out of the parking lot or driveway, he wants he CD on that has all of the songs. Some of them, like the Baby Bumble Bee song, he knows by the music before the kids start singing. He really likes it when I sing Pop Goes the Weasel because when the part in the song mentions "pop", I hit the top of my clinched fist while singing the song. He copies me and laughs.

This morning, he took some medicine for some congestion he has with a dropper. Daddy asked him to put the dropper in the sink after he was finished. Collin walked over to the sink, threw it in and said "pop goes the weasel". Daddy thought that was funny.

He also associates songs with things he does or sees. For example, whenever he sees a star, he points to it, says "star" and starts singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

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