Monday, October 5, 2009

Bed Time

We have mentioned before that Collin fights to go to be these days. There are better days than others about him taking a bath, brushing his teeth or putting his PJs on. Some nights, he does not want a bath and cries if we try to get him in there. Fine, no bath then. That does not mean no bed though. What will he try next? No PJs and throws them back in the basket. That does not work either. The last few days, Daddy and I have read books together, tell Collin to give us a kiss and hug good night (which he does) and then Collin climbs into his crib. We turn his music on and the lights off. Daddy says good night to Collin and leaves the room while I sooth Collin. He cries just a few seconds and then settles while I ask him about his day. I asked him "What did you do a school today". He typically replies "played with friends" or "see friends". I ask, "what friends?" and he lists out his friends which includes Charlotte, Nicho, Juanito and then a few names I am not familiar with. I then asked if they sang songs. He will start singing a song. Tonight, he went through his ABCs and got all the way through Z. I ask him about what he did with Daddy when he left school and he either does not answer or says "truck". I then know he is getting tired. I kiss Piglet and Monkey good night and then Collin. I tell him I will see him in the morning and leave his room. He might cry out few just long enough for me to get downstairs and then he stops. I have enjoyed this time together the last few nights.

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