Monday, October 19, 2009

Daddy's Birthday

Saturday was Daddy's 40th birthday. That morning, mommy made us some homemade, yummy blueberry pancakes. I love pancakes especially when they have syrup on them. I could not finish both of them mainly because I was more interested in playing with my cars. Later, we picked Daddy up from the bike shop to have birthday lunch with him. I did finally tell him "happy birthday to you" when we were at lunch. I did not eat much because there was a little girl in the booth behind me. I had to flirt with her a little and then lost most of my appetite. I did like dipping the chip into the sauce and then licking the sauce off.

Mommy and I then went to the new house to drop off more stuff. I was a HUGE help by carrying one or two things in for her. I made about 5 trips and was not tired at all! We stay longer because Pappy came over to look at the new house and talk to mom. I sat and read some books and then followed them around when I was finished. I love my new play room. Mommy keeps telling me that my room is "over there". What is she talking about? I am sitting in MY room. Actually, we are all in "Collin's house" least that's what I call it.

After Daddy got off work, we met him at Saige's house for dinner and a yummy cookie. Daddy let Saige and I blow out the candles. We did not stay too long since Mommy wore me out today. She said something about a long day tomorrow. Not sure what she meant about that.

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