Saturday, July 11, 2009


It was a scorcher at the zoo today! Collin and I met Elina and her mommy, Ginni, this morning at the zoo. Before we even got through the entrance, the back of Collin's head was wet with sweat and I had to put my hair up because it was already so hot. I dreamed of swimming while waiting for Elina and Ginni to arrive. Our first stop was to see the giraffe. The kids enjoyed watching the giraffe walk around. Our next stop was the Asian elephant habitat. The elephants were getting a bath and both Collin and Elina loved to watch the water run off the elephant. Elina was trying to give the elephant her play cell phone. Collin eyed another kid's popcorn treat on the toddler's stroller tray and I told him that the popcorn was not his. The toddler's parents gladly gave Collin a handful which he devoured. Glad I had grapes for him to snack on next. Ginni gave Collin his first orange slice and he really like it. Yeah, we might have found another snack Collin likes.

We then followed the path to see some four-legged creatures. Here is Collin being a monkey and climbing the fence to getting a better look of the Bongo Antelope. He stops to take a look at these guys every time we have been to the zoo. We then checked out the bears, tigers, monkeys and then the sea lions. We headed to the Children's zoo section before both kids got hungry, cranky or tired. They both LOVED the petting zoo section. There were brushes that the kids used to brush the animals. I think Collin brushed every animal in pen. Here are a few pictures showing how much fun they had....and hot hot it was.

We left the zoo and met daddy and Mimi at the bike shop to have lunch with daddy. I ran some errands and then came home to cool down in the A/C and so Collin could rest before heading to Mimi's for a late evening swim in her pool. To our surprise, Timmy was there since his parents were out for the night. Instead of pushing Collin to swim in the pool, I let him have fun playing with Timmy. They actually played really well together. I thought Collin would get upset with Timmy when he spotted Timmy playing with "his" toys since this was "his" Mimi's house. He was good for the most part. It was time for Timmy to eat and Collin was fine until Mimi pulled out a baby food container that Collin recognized. He started to whine so I took him to the kitchen so he could eat. After the boys were feed, we hung out in Mimi's room for a little while so mommy could take a much needed nap. No swimming today but Collin had fun anyway.

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