Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lots of Kids Today!

I am sure Collin had no idea how many kids he would see today when he woke up this morning. First, we went to Gymboree where he saw Matthew and the other kids in his class. They learned to jump like frogs this morning. Collin loved hanging from the bars and then walking across the balance beam while bouncing. He was not as interested in jumping from the top of the blocks to me like he was last week in class. He was happy to do the things the teacher was instructing him to do until he saw the balls near the basketball goal. That was it....he was focused on putting the ball in the basket goal until it was time to play with the bubbles and the parachute. H was not ready to leave when it was time to go.

After class, we picked up Jason's Deli to go and met Melia and her mom at the bicycle shop to watch the Tour de France showing in The Zone. The kids had a great time playing with each other. Collin was not as interested in eating as he was playing with the bike pump. He had fun holding the hose and pumping the air in either his face or the face of another girl in the room. Then it was time to chase each other around the room. I am glad there were not many people in the room trying to watch the Tour. It was time to leave so Collin could take a nap and be rested for the next stop.

Collin slept only 25 minutes but I left him rest in his crib for another 20 minutes. He just laid there and talked to his stuffed animals...turtle, bear and monkey in his crib. I got him dressed and we went to visit Colt who is 3 weeks old. He is the son of a coworker. Collin was not interested in me holding the baby. He started to whine when I held him. He WAS interested in the "girl" that he kept pointing at. The girl was Courtney, Colt's oldest sister. She is 4. Collin loved watching her and following her around. She did not like this too much but did not stop him. My other coworker, Sarah, arrived with her husband and two boys, Matthew and Jason. Matthew, Courtney and Collin played in Courtney's playroom. Collin got to play with Play Doh for the first time. I watched him close because he kept trying to eat it. They were making "ice cream" so Collin thought he was suppose to eat it. They then played outside on her slide, swing and small trampoline. They got hot so Collin got to eat his first Ice pop. He got a little sticky but did eat most of it.

We left Colt's house, ran and errand and then came home. Collin was asleep before we got home. Since he had not had a really good nap all day, I successfully transferred him to my bed and we took a nap together. I loved lying there listening to him breathe and thinking it's been an enjoyable two years with Collin. I cannot believe he will be two next month.

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