Thursday, July 2, 2009

High Chair Gymnastics

For the past week, Collin lets us know he is hungry by climbing in his highchair, buckling himself in and then saying "eat". Here is a video of him doing this. I missed the part of him climbing up the to the seat because he did it so fast. He does not normally laugh when he is doing it because he is hungry but he is laughing in the video because he LOVES to have his picture taken. If I put the camera down, he will point at it and say "picture" for me to put the camera back up and take another picture.

We have started letting him eat in one of the dining room chairs at the table so he will be used to sitting in a chair and not a highchair when he starts school next week. He is drinking out of a cup too. This does not work so well if he is walking around and drinking.....hasn't quite figured out how to hold the cup upright while walking. He'll get there though.

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