Thursday, July 10, 2008

Collin's New "Toys"

Collin continues to enjoy playing with non-traditional baby toys. His favorite are a water bottle whether it has liquid in it or not. He does not care what is inside but, instead, the noise the bottle makes when it is squeezed. He is strong enough now to squeeze the bottle and do it himself. Anything with tags on it is still WAY up on the list too. Here is a picture of him discovering a tag on the bottom of our new baby proof "coffee table". I wondered why he kept looking underneath it until I saw him pulling on the tag. Tags put him to sleep at night now. There is a small blanket with a tag on it that I have him hold after we read books and when I first start paying his CD of nursery rhymes. He quickly finds the tag and flicks it back and forth with his pointer finger on his left hand. I dressed him in something different last night and tonight because both of his "potato sacks" (see prior blog entry) were dirty. The leg of the PJs had a tag on the side which Collin found. He was more interested in flipping the tag than the books I was trying to read.

Anytime I am at my computer, you would think he is pulling up my leg because he wants to be with me and be held. Nope. He is just using me to get close to the computer mouse, the phone and the computer keyboard. Luckily, I am fast at locking the keyboard so he can play with it a little without interfering with what I was working on at that moment. He does throw a fit when I decide that it's time to move on so I can finish working.

His latest fascination is with fans. When we first started going to the bicycle shop to see daddy, I would sometimes hold Collin near the large floor fan and talk into it. He would laugh at the funny sound of my voice talking into the fan. He must still remember this because he did this to my small office fan when I brought it home yesterday. We are moving office buildings soon, so I am slowly bringing stuff home. Plus, Mimi mentioned that he was fascinated with her fan so I thought I would see what he would do. It was cheap entertainment for not only Collin but us watching him babble into the fan and watch his hair blowing in all directions.

He still likes balloons and figures out that it makes a noise when he pulls his fingers down the side. Mimi figured out by accident today that the balloon will hover over the small fan like it's caught. Collin was mesmerized by this for a little while this afternoon. Other non-traditional toys are cell phones, paper, an empty paper towel roll and anything with wheels. I am sure I left something out and will have to add it when I remember.

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