Monday, August 20, 2012

School Birthday Celebration

This morning, Grandma H, Daddy and I went to school to watch Collin's 5th birthday celebration.  It was a little sad for me because this will be his last one at his Montessori school since he will be starting Pre-K next Monday at his new public school.  I wonder how they celebrate birthdays?  Sorry...that's what happens when I post so late.

The kids where sitting around in a circle waiting for the celebration to start.  Ms Kristine started by holding up a poster with pictures of when Collin was an infant through his first year.  She described the pictures and then asked the kids what else Collin might have been doing at that age.  He then walked around with the poster showing his friends wearing the birthday hat that he made.  After he made it around a circle, he then took the globe, walked around the circle again while the kids sang:

The Earth moves around the sun, the Earth moves around the sun, around, around, around and around, the Earth moves around the sun. 

The teacher then talked about the poster from his second year.  This continued until she said he was now 5.  He then sat in the middle of the circle for the "friends" to sing Happy Birthday to him.  He then blew out the fake candle. 

He got to pick out a friend to go first and have birthday snacks.  He picked Jacob, of course.  They sat down while we fixed plates of grapes and multi colored goldfish (yes, from yesterday) for the kids to eat.  There were only 14 kids attending today which was small compared to the usual 25.  At this time, we told him Happy Birthday and then left for the day.
Talking while eating snacks.

Now...for the serious pose!

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