Wednesday, August 29, 2012

5 Year Check Up

I met Daddy and Collin at Collin's 5 year check up appointment this afternoon.  Daddy said that Collin recognized the building as they pulled up and wanted to know if he was getting shots.  Daddy said that we would have to see what the doctor says.  While in the waiting room, Collin did not seem preoccupied about the shots.  That's probably because we read at least 6 books before the nurse called his name.  While waiting, he figured out the system of the office.  "The lady will come from over there and call my name."  Each time the nurse came out, he looked up to listen for his name. 
She did finally call him and said we were to go to Room F.  Collin walked by each room until he stopped in front of F.  The nurse asked him a few questions like his name, what street he lived on and the name of his school.  He knew is name but not the answer to the other questions.  I have been working with him on his address including city and state but he could not remember his street.  He remembered Houston though.  She then looked through his chart and announced that he did not have to have shots.  I would have thought he would have been more excited but he was busy checking out the board on the wall and making hand prints on it.

She then weighed him and checked his height.  He is 3 feet 5.93 in (29.9%) tall and weighs 37lbs (22.21%) so he remains a little guy and even fell further down in the percentages.  The doctor was not too concerned about this dip because his BMI ratio was good.  She said as long as he is eating she is not worried.  He is an active little boy and sometimes gets more than an hour a day of exercise.  She was really happy with that.  We did discuss that he is still not dry at night and she said that she would not push it based on what we told her about him snoring loudly and grinding his teeth.  He is just a heavy sleeper.  Also, she did say it does run in the family.  Knowing that Aunt Lisa wet her bed when she was older confirmed that he will just need more time to learn to be dry at night.

We did discover that his developing cough is likely bacterial bronchitis so she gave a prescription that should help him in the next week.  I am not too surprised because Daddy has had a cough for over a month and it has been hard from him to get rid of it. 

He and Daddy headed home to swim with Saige and Linden (shhhh....he is not supposed to swim with his cough.  One last one before he starts his medicine) and then I headed back to work. It's that time of year for me because of the tax deadline.

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