Friday, May 4, 2012

Bike Eating

This was Collin Thursday night eating dinner.  We never have his bike in the house but it was in the house from earlier this week.  Wednesday night, he rode it around in a big circle through the kitchen, living room, dining room, and office.  We did not mind and it kept him busy.  He did the same thing Thursday night as well before eating dinner.  Mimi was over because it was her usual Thursday night to watch Collin.  She was getting his dinner ready which was a lunchable and juice.  Instead of getting off his bike and sitting in his chair, he got off his bike, moved his chair out of the way and rode his bike right up to his spot at the table.  He then started eating dinner.  Mimi, Daddy and I thought it was too funny...and let him continue to eat this way.

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