Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mornings with Collin

Collin has not woken up in the mornings earlier than 7ish am for the last several weeks now.  Because of this, I have been able to get ready in the morning and leave the house without disturbing my guys.  I do give each of them a kiss on the cheek before I leave.  However and for who knows what reason, Collin has woken up before 6am the last two mornings.  His bed time has not changed and he has not woken up in the middle of the night.  Whatever the reason, he is awake and ready to play.  Because he is so awake, he is not interested in laying on my closet floor with his pillow and "guys".  He wants to play in the playroom, ride his bike or watch a movie.  Yesterday morning, he was content to start eating breakfast and watch morning cartoons.  I am sure this helped Daddy out because he did not have to mess with breakfast.  They had time to ride bikes a little before leaving for school.

This morning, Collin was not ready to eat and did not want to play in his playroom.  I was planning to change the purse I was using after I got ready for work.  I thought this would occupy him to help me take the stuff out of my purse and put it in the new one.  I know, I know....a little crazy because my stuff could have ended up all over the floor.  Nope....Collin did great.  When he found the cash, he counted it (not the dollar value but how many bills) and then put the 1s, 5s and 10s together.  He also organized the contents by their color:  I had black, red, pink, white and money as categories.  Who knew!  Then, when it came time to put the contents in my new purse, I did not know what to expect.  However, I know I did not expect Monkey to show up in the middle section and snuggled under the zipper.  No wonder the purse looked like it was about to explode.  I did have to stop and explain what a few things were but, otherwise, Collin was quiet and happy to play with and help me with my purse.  After rearranging only a few items, my new purse was ready to go.  Thank you Collin!

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