Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

What a fantastic Mother's Day.  I started the day with a 24 mi ride and 2 mi run with other mommies I either recently met or have been riding with for awhile.  When I got back home, the boys had just come back from the grocery store.  I ate a quick breakfast and we left for a ride around the neighborhood.  Collin was on the trail-a-bike behind Daddy.  I switched with him and rode with Collin about 10 minutes into the ride.  We ended up at a local park and stopped for Collin to play a little. 

After coming back to the house, Collin and I cleaned up the back yard that was a mess after a huge rain storm a few days ago.  I knew that Timmy, Saige and Linden would be over later in the day so I wanted to have clean toys for them to play with.  Collin got the water hose and washed down the toys in the driveway.  He had fun getting wet while doing it.  I swept and we both set the toys out in the sun to dry. 

After a quick shower for both of us, we had lunch and watched a movie so that we could rest before the rest of the family came over for Mother's Day dinner.  Daddy picked up food from Hungry's which consisted of spaghetti, lasagna and salad.  They family came over which included Grandma H, Grandma Filla, Mimi, Pappy, Dustin, Lisa, Paul, Leah and Timmy.  After dinner, the kids played in the playroom a little before the Jureks came over to swim.  What a great time everyone either had in the pool or sitting around the pool talking and watching the kids have a great time.  Collin was not interested in getting his hair wet when he first got into the pool.  After watching Saige, Linden and even Timmy get their hair wet, Collin let Daddy dunk him in the water and even catch him away from the slide.  I was surprised and proud of him for at least trying. 

Uncle Paul looking too funny in Leah's hat
After swimming and dessert in the house, we cleaned up and Collin summoned all of us into the living room.  It was time to open presents.  Mimi got a picture frame that included pictures with all of her grand kids, Grandma Filla got a metal tree decoration to hang on the wall, Lisa got a novel, I got a mini cupcake pan and Grandma H got some towels and bathmats (she opened them earlier before she left).
Mimi looks proud of her grand kids, doesn't she?
We went outside after that to take generation pictures and Mimi with her grand kids.  The kids then ran around a little with the little bit of energy they had left.  Timmy was almost asleep before for they left the street. 

Ahhhhhh.....that's me finally with my feet up after a great...but VERY long day.  Shutting down now to go to bed.

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