Monday, August 15, 2011

"Stretch and then Get Up Mommy!"

This is how I am greeted in the mornings if I happen to still be in bed when Collin wakes up.  Most of the time, this is on the weekends because I am up and even out of the house before he wakes up.  If I happen to sleep in and he catches me still in bed, he gently pats me on the arm or closest body part to the side of the bed and quietly says "wake up Mommy.  Stretch first and then let's go to the living room."  If I tell him I need 5 more minutes, he replies with "No, let's go to the living room".  I think it's funny that he knows I need to stretch first and will at least allow me to do that before I get out of bed.  I'm no dummy, I at least drag out the stretching part so I can have a few more minutes in bed".

He is doing MUCH better at night and rarely wakes up in the middle of the night to get me to tuck him back in bed.  What a relief!!!  I have even heard him get up close to the time he needs to get up to go to the bathroom and then get back in bed. 

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