Saturday, August 27, 2011

4 Year Check Up

This morning, Daddy and I took Collin to his 4 year doctor appointment.  When Collin woke up early this morning (6:15am), he joined me in the bathroom and I told him that he was not going to school first but to the doctor instead.  He asked "Can Monkey go and not me?"  Smart kid...he knows doctors are not fun a lot of times.  I said that he needs to go because he is 4 years old now.  The doctor wanted to check how tall he has gotten and how much he weighs.  He asked "Am I going to get shots?"  How does he remember this?  Later I found out that his buddy, Jacob, told him about his shots when he went to the doctor.

I went to work that morning and met Collin and Daddy at the doctor's office.  He he was not thinking about getting shots when he saw the new castle in the waiting room for him to play on.  He only got to play for 10 minutes when his name was called to head to the back and wait for the nurse and doctor.

She first asked him his name.  He was being shy and barely said "Collin".  She asked again and he did say "Collin Holmes".  She wanted to find out if he knew his name.  He then had to show dexterity and she walked him through a few exercises.  He then got weighed (36 lbs - 51.3% for his age) and measured (3 feet 3 in (22.12% for his age).  Yep, still dense and short.  She then took him to test his hearing, sight and blood pressure.  He did great on all of these.  His pressure was a little high but she said that was probably because he was moving around when she took it.

Getting his blood pressure taken.  Yes, he is in a Spider Man shirt.

Testing his eye sight.  He did great and listened really well to instructions.

Hearing test.  He had to push the button in his hands when he heard a noise.
Back in the little room, the doctor came in with the stethoscope to listen to his lungs.  Collin laughed and said "that tickles".  He listened really well and did everything else she told him to do.  He was very curious about what she was doing and asked questions as she was examining him.

That's a sticker on his leg he got for being so good in the other room during the tests.

Then, it was time for shoots.  Collin was fine when he had to lay down.  I am so glad Daddy was there to help.  He stood there with Collin and talked to him while he got his first of four shots.  The screaming began - can't really blame the little dude.  He sure can scream loud though.  When it was all over, Daddy sat him up to give him a hug.  Collin did not want any of it and pushed Daddy away hard telling him "she hurt me".  Not something a parent wants to hear.  He did eventually calm down and started licking his sucker again. 

We went to lunch before Daddy took Collin to school.  Not a fun time because Collin wanted to be feed since his arms hurt (no shots there....just wanted attention).  He kept his arms on his legs where he got his shots and complained about everything.  There were moments of no screaming or being rude to us and we eventually finished our meal.

We thought for sure the teacher would call us to come get him from school but she did not.  I think it was good that he did go to school and get his mind of the shots.  He was a little groggy that evening but he made it through an fun evening out getting ice cream with friends.  He was out when we got home at 9:30am....but got up at 5:33am.  Thanks Collin!

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