Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Don't Eat Salad"

I have really been trying not to sleep on the floor next to Collin at bed time so that he gets used to going to sleep by himself.  It's worked out well for the most part lately...but not without some "negotiating" on his part.  When it's time for me to leave and him to go to sleep, he will ask "Are you going to the living room?"  I will say "Yes, because either I need to work or I need to eat dinner".  He then usually tells me to not go for another 5 minutes or for 3 songs (music is already playing in the background by this point).  Sometimes I will stay for 5 minutes but then he will ask for 5 more...and I know where this is going. 

Last night, I rode my bike and ran before coming home.  By this time, Daddy already had Collin in bed and was reading him books.  I got cleaned up and came in to read one more but and then put Collin to bed.  I read that book, turned the CD on, turned the lights off and started the "good nights" to his buddies in bed with him (Monkey and Clifford this time) and then told him good night.  He asked if I was leaving and I told him that I needed to eat dinner because I had not eaten yet.  This is what happened next:

Collin:  "Don't eat salad then for dinner"
Mommy:  "Why not?"
Collin:  "Salad takes too long"
Mommy:  "What do you mean?"
Collin:  "You can have carrots after you cut them up.  Those are fast"

....meaning "hurry up and eat so you can get back in here with me".  Fortunately, he was so tired from the day that he was already snoring by the time I had dinner made and was sitting down with it.  Just thinking about this conversation as I write this puts a huge smile on my face. 

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