Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We spent Easter morning having breakfast outside.  Collin told me he wanted Cheerios and then marsh mellows later.  I surprised him by putting some of the marsh mellows with his cereal (hoping that this did not start something new with him).  He liked it at first but then wanted the cereal separate.  He asked and ate an entire second bowl.  Daddy checked the pool out thinking we might go for a morning swim but the water was still too cold.  We rode bikes instead.  If you have not figured it out by now, Collin loves to race whether running or riding his bike.  This morning was no exception.  He and I raced a few times with Collin not being happy when I did beat him once or twice. 

We then rested a little then Collin and I went for a walk/run with him him the jog stroller.  When we do this, we make a list of things we want to see.  I did not even have to ask this the time we got to the end of the driveway, he was already telling me that he thought we would see 5 squirrels and 8 birds.  I thought these sounded like good numbers to me so we headed out.  I walked more than I ran because my tummy was still full from breakfast AND it was already getting hot out.  I could run later this afternoon.  Right away, we see two squirrels.  I love hearing Collin describe what he is seeing, counting and asking all of his questions.  He liked seeing all of the Easter bunnies and eggs people put in their yards.  We had to cut the walk short because he had to go potty...and I needed to get ready to meet the family for lunch.

We met Mimi, Pappy and Grandma F at Black-Eyed Pea for Easter lunch.  The Harrises could not join us because baby Leah was sick.  The doctor told Lisa to keep her in the house and not expose her to too many people.  We missed seeing them but enjoyed the time with the rest of the family.  Collin brought his backpack full of things to play with.  His backpack he got for Christmas turned out to be one of the gifts that gets used all the time.  Whenever we announce we are going somewhere, he announces that he is getting his backpack, packs it with things he wants to play with and then comes back into the living room with the backpack usually already on his back.  This time, he included his new Thomas and James trains in his backpacked and ended up  playing with these the entire time.  He ate all of his corn dog for lunch.  Here he is with Mimi helping her put her leftovers away:

We went to Grandma F's house for a visit.  We spent some time outside and Collin announced he was hungry.  Mimi went inside with him while the rest of us stayed outside.  She found out that he was not really hungry and wanted to stay inside where where the A/C was.  Smart kid! 

We left to take a much needed nap at home.  After Collin slept for over 3 hours, he and Daddy went swimming while I worked on a presentation I am giving Thursday morning.  We then went to the bike shop so I could get some more Yankz for my shoes and then Easter pizza at a local Italian place.  It's 9:45pm and Collin is still awake.  At least he is laying in his bed quietly.  Maybe he is thinking about how much fun he had this weekend.  I know I would be.

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