Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday....and Two 3-Year Olds

Collin's school was closed today, so I stayed home to watch him and his friend, Jake.  His mommy will return the favor and watch the boys Monday because school will still be closed.

They started the morning playing dress-up.  Both of them love Toy Story so they took turns playing Woody and Buzz Lightyear.  For some reason, Collin was afraid of Jake "Buzz Lightyear" so he wanted to stop playing.  They then played in his playroom for a little while until it was time for a snack.  They sat on the couch while having a snack and watching, of course, Toy Story 3.  I did not let them watch the entire movie because it was too beautiful outside for them to stay indoors all day.  Yes, it was hot so I did not blame them if they wanted to stay in the A/C.  To get them to want to go outside, I had them help me water some of the plants in our backyard.  They got bored and played in the sandbox for a little bit.  The sand was hot so they wanted to go back inside. 

Instead of TV, it was time for crafts.  I got out a few egg cartons for them to make caterpillars.  First, they painted them.  They both wanted to take their shirts off instead of wearing a craft apron.  I am sure they thought this was a baby bib....and they are not babies.

Don't you just love Collin's blending of colors?  I thought these turned our great so far.
While the "caterpillars" were drying, we went outside in the front to ride bikes.  Collin's bike had pedals and Jake's did not.  I thought it would be fun for the boys the race...they thought otherwise.  At the first attempt, Collin cut Jake off right after the start.  The next time, Jake took off and Collin started to cry....for who knows what reason other than it was probably time for a nap.  Jake pouted and wanted to ride Collin's bike because of the pedals.  I had him sit by my while Collin rode a little while and then they switched.  Here they are talking about their helmets:
We went back inside because it was getting hot and it was also time for lunch.  They both did a great job of eating the sandwich and cut strawberries I served.  Then, it was time to relax and hopefully take a nap.  Here is how they started.......and ended up. 
They both did rest but no napping took place.  They got up and played in the playroom again.  Eventually, they made it back to the couch because Jake said he was sleepy.  Collin was the one that took a nap.  Jake finished his caterpillar.  He put the eyes on and even feathers on the back.  Who knew that caterpillar's had feathers?  I guess they do when a 3-year old makes them.

While waiting for Daddy to get home, Collin wanted to practice hunting for eggs in our front yard.  I hid them and he then picked up a third of them before getting bored.  Instead of me picking all of them back up, I turned picking them up into a game.  I threw an egg at the basket to see if I could get it in.  Collin watched me and started to do the same.  This worked great.  We eventually picked up all of the eggs in time for Daddy to come home.

We had dinner with Daddy and he treated us to ice cream at a local ice cream shop.  Collin wanted "banilla", of course, and ate the entire kid's cup.  Most of the time, he eats a few bites and then does not want anymore.  He kept eating his until he was finished.  I was surprised.  He even had a few bites of mine and Daddy's.  The eating spree continues.....

When we got home, it was movie night.  We watched half of "The Incredibles" until it was time for Collin to go to bed.  He is crying right now because he was not being nice to Mommy.  He threw is water at me because he did not want to go to bed.  He was sent to his room...and does not like that.  He is just tired from the long, fun day.

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