Sunday, January 2, 2011

"God Bless America"

As I have posted before, Collin LOVES to sing.  He started singing a lot more in the last month because his class was learning Christmas songs.  He can be playing, riding in the car or eating and start singing a song.  His favorite lately is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  He will start singing a few verses and say, "Mommy, help me out" and I will sing with him.  While we were visiting our cousins, he started to sing God Bless America.  I was shocked!  First, I had no idea he knew this song and second, that he knew so many verses of it.  I am embarrassed to say that I could not join in with him because I had forgotten a verse or two of the song.  He sang and sang it.  Every time he did, I had a larger grin on my face because I was so proud of his ability to remember the song.  What is funny though is that he does not know when to stop the song.  He will sing it over and over again.  I don't think he realizes that the song does stop. 

Saturday night when we were on our way to see a hockey game, he started to sing God Bless America in the car.  Daddy had the same reaction I did when I first heard Collin sing this song.  He was so proud of him too.....and learned a few verses himself.  ;)

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