Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"My tummy hurts"

The last time Collin said this, he threw up all over the front of Daddy while they were both sitting on the couch.  When I came home last night, Collin was laying on the couch and watching Stuart Little 3 (I did not even know there was such a movie).  I went over to him to give him a kiss and he told me his tummy hurt.  Sometimes, something hurting is used as an excuse not to do something else.  To be certain his tummy did really hurt, I asked him to show me where it was hurting and he patted his tummy.  He did look a little pale so I believed him.  In about 10 minutes, I REALLY believed him because I saw him sit slightly up and throw up everywhere around him.  We got him off the couch and onto the hardwood floor.  He threw up a little more there.  We stripped him and put on underwear, put him on the dry part of the couch and gave him some water.  He was REALLY white-looking now. 

He laid there and watched the rest of the movie.  He felt better so we gave him some crackers to eat really slowly.  I put a large bowl next to him and told him he could throw up in there if he started to feel bad again.  He looked at me as if he understood.  About 30 minutes later, he was eating a cracker and starting to whine a little.  He then ran to the couch.  I followed him to see what was the matter.  I turned the corner of the couch and saw him throwing up in the bowl that I had placed on the couch.  WOW!!!  I was so proud of him for making it to the bowl.  For such a little guy being sick, I thought I would try the bowl but expected that we would be cleaning up other spots where he threw up.  Not this night.  He did it two more times into the bowl.  One time was when he was in his room and about to go to bed.  Daddy had made an area next to Collin's bed with the bowl, a towel and and wet rag.  It was needed and much appreciated by all of us when Collin got sick again.

I slept with Collin last night in case he got sick again...which he did not.  He slept lightly most of the night...which means I did too.  He is staying home from school today because he feels hot and to rest from the evening before.  He seems to feel better though.

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