Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Collin, Who Are You Today?"

I have posted many times before that Collin loves to pretend that he is someone or something besides Collin. You'll remember that he was Puppy for almost two weeks.  I love that he has such an imagination and to participate with him.  Sometimes I do "get in trouble" by Collin because I will forget that he is not Collin, but that he is pretending to be someone or something else.  It really gets hard to keep track of who's who when I am also supposed to be someone else.  His favorite right now is that I am Collin and he is The Mommy. 

He has just now started to also dress up as the character he is playing.  Since he started watching Toy Story, he has run around the house, jumped from or onto things saying "Buzz Lightyear....to infinity and beyond!"  We played at Jacob's house one day and he got to use Jacob's Buzz Lightyear wings to fly around.  He LOVED that and did not want to give them back. Jacob was not happy about sharing them either.  At that point, we knew that we needed to find him some wings too.  I did find them while we were on our "cousins trip" last week.  The set included Woody and Buzz Lightyear items he could wear.  I knew he would like Buzz but was not sure if the Woody stuff would get used or not.  He surprised us by wanting to dress up as both of them about the same.  Here he is as Woody Sunday afternoon.  Fortunately, he does not know that the holster is for a gun.  We don't have one of these yet.  I wonder how long that will take until he either figures it out or ask what the holster is for.

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