Sunday, June 13, 2010

Superman to the rescue

Daddy was putting together the new patio furniture in the living room. Collin came to me while I was in the kitchen putting the groceries away and asked if I could help him put his Superman cape on. From what I understand, this might be Uncle Dustin's cape from when he was a little boy. Collin likes his capes now that he played with them last weekend with Jacob. Anyway, I walked into the living room about 10 minutes later and saw Collin helping Daddy screw in one of the screws to the patio furniture. He LOVES to play with his tools and REALLY likes it when he thinks he is helping out. Can't you see the concentration on his face?
Oh, that's Reindeer and Big Monkey in the background giving him pointers. He loves these guys and moves them from room to room so they can be part of what he is doing. Both of them sleep in bed with him at night too. Glad he is in his big boy bed or he would not have room for all of his friends. His original Monkey is still his best pal. He still wants that one over any of his other pals....and he still rubs the tag like he did when he was a younger. He does this to relax him....and he usually falls asleep just a few minutes later.

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