Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let's Run Mommy

Tonight, the family met others at the park to either go for a run or a walk. I ran with a few people while Daddy and Collin (in a stroller) ran behind us. We all met back up at the park after the 2 miles was over. Collin wanted out of the stroller so he could go running too. I thought he might wear himself out after running for a few minutes.....plus, he might go to bed earlier tonight. I got him out of the stroller and told him to start running......and he did. He is not a straight runner at all. He would run on one side and then the other of the trail. At one point, he just stopped. Other times, he cut me off.....or almost some other people using the trail. This went on for at least another 30 minutes. I stopped and he wanted me to keep running.

We eventually ran upon some people feeding the ducks, fish and turtles some bread. The little girl walked over to Collin and gave him a piece of bread to throw.....which is what he did. Instead of pulling pieces off the bread, he threw the entire piece of bread over the fence. She looked at him with a look of "why did you just do that?" and the gave him another piece of bread. I pulled off little pieces and gave them to him to throw.

After that bread was finished, he wanted to start running again. We ran for another 10 minutes before he stopped to play on the playground. It was time to go when he pooped in his underwear. I was getting hungry anyway. It's fun to change poopy underwear in a hot, humid park restroom when you are hungry. Making memories, right?

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