Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday activities

I would have thought for sure that Collin would have slept in this morning (now Sunday morning as I write this) after his day yesterday.....but nope, he is already stirring:
We woke up and had breakfast that consisted of Rice Krispies cereal. He likes to listen to the cereal make noises, eat it and then drink the milk from the bowl. We then wrapped the presents for Hannah and Hayden's birthday party in the morning. It was Rock Star themed. Collin was mainly interested in playing with Hayden's trucks and cars instead of mingling with the 30 other kids (not kidding, it was insane!!). There was a point in time where he actually did use his toy microphone to sing a little when the music was on. He loved his Rock Star necklace and sticker he got as a party favor.
We then went home thinking he would nap a little before we went to Saige's house to play. Nope, he only napped on the way home which was about 15 minutes. I can sometimes transfer him from the car to his bed, but that did not work this time. He popped up from my arms and said "read me a book?". I knew it was all over! He was not napping anymore....and did not for the rest of the day.
We then went to Saige's house to play with her since we had not seen her since New Year's Day....way too long for these buddies. When Collin arrived, Saige greeted him with a loud "Collin!!!". I guess she was happy to see him. They played awhile in her house cooking me eggs, talking on the phone, getting the mail and keeping Saige's sister, Linden, out of the house. Saige showed Collin how to crawl in and out of the window instead of using the door. Now you know why they are great buddies.

I was talking to Saige's mom and noticed that it was quiet. The kids were not in the house so I thought, "Great, where did they go?" Remember the last time these two were too quiet when they were together last? They were found exploring my shower! This time, I found them at the table behind Saige's play house playing with the Legos. At least they were not in the shower again!

After all of that playing, it was time for a snack of hot dog, blueberries, strawberries and potatoes. Collin was really only interested in two hot dog bites and lots of strawberries. He tried a bean that Linden was eating and spit it back out. At least I keep trying to give him new things so he won't be a bread, pizza, chicken nugget, fries, and fruit guy much longer.

We left Saige's house to meet Daddy at our house to pick up dinner (Escalante's Mexican) and bring it over to Mimi and Pappy's house. Pappy hurt his back and has been in the the house a few days resting and recovering. We thought he would enjoy some Collin relief......and he did. I had packed Collin's PJs and Monkey so we could bathe him while over there hoping he would sleep on the way home and then go straight to bed. Collin walked in with his bag and told Mimi that "Monkey is in a bad mood". OMG!!! That is too funny. Collin was in a really cranky mood today (no nap, remember?) so he must have heard me telling Daddy that he was in one of those moods. I don't think I used the phrase "in a bad mood" but must have at some point. Collin took the Monkey, wrapped him up in a blanket and put him on a chair to take a nap while we ate dinner. Afterwards, we all went to the Den to watch Collin ride a rockin' horse and then throw a ball or stuffed animal to each of us. His aim is only getting better and better. Now, he needs to work on catching...which he really makes no attempt at doing right now.

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