Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cool Glasses

We went to the pediatric ophthalmologist today to have Collin's eyes checked out since they have been bothering him. I figured that the doctor would be using lots of lights and other instruments so I made sure that Monkey came with us. He could be used to show Collin what the doctor would be doing to him.....turns out this was a good thing.

Collin did great during the appointment for the most part. He did not like the drops that dilated his eyes and was happy to go back out to play with the toys. He did not know we were just waiting to go back in though. We went back in and the doc used lots of props which kept Collin's attention off what the doctor was doing. When it came time to rest his chin on the machine that takes a deeper look, this took some time to get him to keep still long enough for the doctor to see what he needed to see. He kept telling us "don't like it" and moving his chin off the chin rest. Even after all of this, when the doctor was leaving the room, Collin ran up behind him to give him a hug. The doctor turned around and knelt near the ground so Collin could wrap his arms around and give a hug. What a sweet little boy!

Since his eyes were dilated, he had to wear sunglasses to protect his eyes. I asked for two pair and put the first pair on Monkey. He thought that was funny and wanted to know why he was not wearing his. It was as easy as that! He wore them all the way to the car and fell asleep in them on the way home.

When Daddy got home later, he had to show him.

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