Monday, November 30, 2009

We Moved!!!

Well, we did it.....we moved into our new house today. All but a few pictures on the wall are left at the old house. Collin went to school while most of the moving took place. Mimi came over to help unpack boxes. She then went to pick Collin up from school. On the way back to the new house, she asked Collin where he wanted to go and he said "Collin's house". Good answer since he will not be going to "Mommy's house" anymore (well, we have not sold it yet so there might be a time or two that we have to go by and check on it until it's sold). He arrived while I was unpacking the kitchen boxes and wanted to help. He started by helping me with the pantry box. No matter where I had planned for the item to go, Collin put it where he wanted it to go. He then helped put away the aluminum foil and zip lock boxes. The drawer looked like he threw them in there.....which is probably what he did do.

Then, it was time to eat dinner in the new dining room. He ate really good. So far, he was adjusting well to his new house and hand not asked about the other house or when he was going home.

After dinner, we went to his room to unpack boxes and put things away so he would feel "at home" in his new room. He helped me again by moving empty boxes around. Then, we found the bath stuff so he could take a bath which went really well. Mimi helped with that while I continued to unpack. By the time bath time was over, there were no more boxes in his room and everything was put away. We read some books, gave Mimi and Daddy a kiss good night and then Collin got in his crib. I am SOO glad I found Monkey which was waiting for Collin when he got in bed. He cried for a few minutes after I left the room but is sleeping now. Night #1 seems to be going well.

1 comment:

Angy said...

Yay!! I'm really happy the first night in the new place was a smooth one!!